Workers' Compensation

Through a blend of insurance, ICRMA provides statutory workers’ compensation coverage to members.

ICRMA offers statutory workers' compensation coverage to its members through a combination of self-insurance and excess insurance. Members contribute annually based on actuarially determined losses, administrative expenses, and excess insurance.

ICRMA's Workers' Compensation Program Manager ensures effective claims management by providing oversight, conducting periodic claim file reviews, reporting losses to the excess carrier, and evaluating the performance of the program TPA.

To accommodate different risk appetites, each public agency can determine the level of risk they are comfortable with. For the 2024-2025 program year, the ICRMA pooled retention is set at $1 million. The chart below illustrates how the various loss layers are funded from the members' retentions through the excess insurance.

Report a Workers’ Compensation Claim

Workers’ Compensation claims should be reported directly to AdminSure, ICRMA’s third-party claim administrator (TPA), within two working days of knowledge of the incident or injury.  Reportable claims may be submitted online at  Please contact AdminSure directly at (909) 861-0816 for any claims administration questions.

Member employees have the ability to report any work-related incident or injury to the Company Nurse Triage Hotline at (877) 223-9310. More information below.

View the MOC for Workers’ Compensation Excess claim reporting requirements. Claims meeting these requirements should be reported as soon as possible to via each members' TPA.  If you have questions, please contact ICRMA’s Workers’ Compensation Program Manager, Kristen Vanscourt. The Workers’ Compensation Program Manager will be responsible for reporting to the excess insurer(s).

Third Party Administrators

ICRMA’s Governing Board has adopted performance standards for the Workers’ Compensation TPA to ensure appropriate claims handling. 

Defense Panel

ICRMA’s Governing Board has adopted Litigation Management Policies and Procedures to ensure appropriate claims handling.

Workers’ Compensation Approved Defense Panel listing located in member-only section.

Nurse Triage

When an employee is injured, he/she is instructed by the member to call the Nurse Triage line at (877) 223-9310. A registered nurse completes a series of triage questions which will determine whether or not a medical referral to the city’s industrial clinic needs to be made.  A copy of the report generated by the nurse is e-mailed to the City contact, ICRMA’s program manager, and to the city’s TPA.


Cal/OSHA recently confirmed that California employers must electronically report injury and illness data via federal OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA) online portal.  Please reference:

Federal OSHA Injury Tracking online portal:  This link provides all the details regarding this employer requirement.  Reference ITA Job Aids.